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Without the support and guidance of cousin Sue Davey, when I started on this journey 9 years ago I would have been stumbling around in the dark still. And subsequently the mentorship through collaboration with expert cousin Norina Dixon enabled me to build on what I had learned from Sue. I am very very, very grateful to them both for opening this door for me.
But in addition, this history could not have been assembled without the help of the following, who gave generously of their time and knowledge:   Jan Adkins, Rexie Akwei,  Valerie Akers, Catriona Aldridge, David Andrew, Margaret Andrew, Graham Andrews, Richard Andrews, Gareth Arscott, Lee Arscott, Nigel & Bridget Ashplant,   Joan Bagnall,  Brenda Ball, Bruce Bellringer, Helen Bevan, Anthony Blackler, Nigel Blackler,  Neil Blackwood,  Dr. Angela Blaen,  Dr. Tom Blaen, Raymond Blight, Vivien Boyd, Mick Boydell, Myra Briard, Felicity Brimblecombe, Augustina Ann Bubear, Carolyn Buckley,  Caroline Bullock, Ray Burridge, Dean Cahill, Lyndon Casey, Deb Chapman,  Beverly Cheriton,  Ben Clapp, Charles Cole, Michael Coles, William Cooke,  Patricia Coombe, David Cornford, Andrew Crabtree, Eudora Crook, Christopher Culmer,  Linda Curry, Janet Curwen, Bob Davey,  Agnes Davis, Emily Davis Rocha,  Fiona Daw, Peter Day,  Andrew Densham, Jan Dickinson, William Doscher, Neal Doublet,  Judy Drayton, Roy Drew, Sue Duffin, Beverley Edmonds, Faye Edwards,  Donna Egan,  Michael Elston,  Neville Enderson, P.J.Evans, June Farrelly, Beverley Farthing, Pauline Fear,  Derek Fey, Vivienne Fitch, Annette Fitzsimons,  Barry Fleming, Sarah Flower, Bill Forster, Arthur French,  June Frost, Lorraine Frost, Bill Gallin,   David Garton, Valerie Golightly, Rob Graefe,Paul Greener,  Bob Greenslade, Heather Harris, Paul Harris,  Peter Harris, Margaret Hassall, Sue Hatten, Nigel Haywood,  John Hazelwood, Brian & Honor Heard, David Heard,  Derek Heard, Frank & Jackie Heard, Gabrielle Heard, Gertie Heard,  Karsten Heard,  Laura Heard, Myra Heard,  Bruce Hemer, Lorna Henderson,  Caryl Hicks-Reeves, Ian Hillman, Jennifer Holmes, Ann Hughes, Ingrid Hughes, Sarah Hughes, Richard Inglis, David Jenkins,  Karina Jonasson, Reece Jones, Sheila Jubb,  Carol Judkins, Betty Kales, Stephanie Keates,  Geoffrey Key,  Janet Paulos Khashab,  Jan Brian Kingshott,  Albert Labbett, Adam Lambert-Gorwyn, Ronnie Land, Terry Leaman, Geoff Ledden,  Veronica Leng, Barbara Lewis, Neil Lewis, Stephanie Lewis, Bill Limebeer, Mary Long,  Robbie Loomer,  Christine Marden,  Judith McCullouch, Robin McGiveron,  Marbe McNeill, Heather and Roy Measday, Francis Merryweather, Alison Milford,  Ralph Miller, Ian Mitchell, Michael Mitchelmore, Roger Moore,  Sandra Morgan, Leah Murphy, Richard de Neufville, Julia Nicholls, Doreen Norton, Susan O'Beirne, Deborah O'Brien, Cathy Oake, David Oakley, Rob Oatway, Julie Oliver, Ray Osborn,  Kay Osborne, Sue Pearkes, Della Pearson,  Elsie Person, Wendy Penfold, Angela Perkins, Ann Phillips, John Pickett,  Stuart & Pat Pickett, Susan Pickett,  Tony Pickett, Doreen Piggott, David E.Pitts, Emma Pitts, John Pitts,  Rupert Pitts,  Trevor Pollard, Muriel Prior, Betsy Puelle,  Adrian Radcliffe, Brian Randell, Diana Reynolds, Michael Rice,  Sharon Richardson, Jean Rinaldi, Anthony Sadleir, George Saffin,  Paul Savje, Barbara Searles, Peter Selley, Ian Sharland, Richard Sharland,  Tony Shopland, Ann Simonsen, Dave Sims, Cath Skeet, Eddie Smith, Edmond Smith, Michael Smith, Michelle Smith, Stan Smith,   Jim Snell,  Nancy Spafford, Daniel Spencer,  Norman Spurr, Barbara Stapleton, Shelagh Stones,  Jane Sweet,  John Taylor, Norman Taylor, Eileen Thompson, Debbie Tiley,   Jess Tomlinson, Barbara-Ann Townson, John Treleven, Geoff Tucke, Angela Tunkin, Rita Tyrrell,  Charles Voss, Janice Walker,  Angela Ward, David Warren, David Watson, Gillian Webster,  Jeremy West,  Tessa White, Victoria White, Shirley Wilfong-Pritchard,   Jeremy Wilkes, Debbie Williams, John Williams, Judith Williams,  June Willing,  Mark Willing, Anne Wilson,  Linda Wright, Marlene Wright, Peter Wright, Martyn Yeo.       

I must also thank the Online Parish Clerks, who provide a terrific service.

And I apologise here to any of the kind people who have helped me in this research whose names I have unwittingly omitted from these acknowledgments.
Every effort has been made to display accurate information, but I am human, and apologise for any mistakes. Please advise me if you find any. I have also tried to exclude details about living persons, unless they are already widely available on, say, Wikipedia. But the systems are not foolproof. If you find any please advise me